Conferences Attended

This page contains a list of the major conferences that I have participated in, with links to the conference webpages if available. I have divided the conferences into those that I have participated in as an organiser, as a speaker, and as an attendee.

Jump to: As an Organiser | As a Speaker | As an Attendee

As an Organiser

This is a list of conferences that I have organised, in reverse chronological order.

As a Speaker

This is a list of conferences at which I have given talks, in reverse chronological order. Typed notes, slides and/or videos for some of these talks may be found in the talks section of this webpage.

As an Attendee

Finally, here is a list of other major conferences I have attended, in reverse chronological order.

This page is maintained by Alan Thompson and was last updated on 17/09/24. Please email comments and corrections to verily(at)