Teaching Experience

Teaching Qualifications

I was awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, with distinction, by Loughborough University in December 2024.

I was awarded the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in April 2021, in recognition of my completion of Loughborough University's Academic Professional Apprenticeship programme.

I was awarded the status of Associate of the Higher Education Academy in November 2010, whilst I was a graduate student, in recognition of my completion of the University of Oxford's Developing Learning and Teaching programme.

Undergraduate Teaching

The remainder of this page aims to give an overview of my undergraduate teaching experience, organised by institution in reverse chronological order.

Loughborough University

At Loughborough University, Semester 1 runs October-January, and Semester 2 runs February-June.

Module Leader
  • Semester 2 2023/24, MAA240/MAA243 Analysis 2, 265 first year undergraduates.
  • Semester 1 2023/24, MAC142 Introduction to algebraic geometry, 70 third year undergraduates.
  • Semester 2 2022/23, MAA240/MAA243 Analysis 2, 235 first year undergraduates.
  • Semester 1 2022/23, MAC142 Introduction to algebraic geometry, 65 third year undergraduates.
  • Semester 2 2021/22, MAA240/MAA243 Analysis 2, 190 first year undergraduates.
  • Semester 1 2021/22, MAB151 Mathematical methods 3, 180 second year undergraduates.
  • Semester 2 2020/21, MAA240/MAA243 Analysis 2, 205 first year undergraduates.
  • Semester 1 2020/21, MAB151 Mathematical methods 3, 215 second year undergraduates.
  • Semester 2 2019/20, MAA240/MAA243 Analysis 2, 230 first year undergraduates.
  • Semester 1 2019/20, MAA310 Mathematics for mechanical engineering, 180 first year undergraduates.
  • Semester 2 2018/19, MAA240/MAA243 Analysis 2, 230 first year undergraduates.
  • Supervised 4 fourth year undergraduate projects for students taking the module "MAD300 MMath mathematics project".
  • Supervised 7 third year undergraduate projects for students taking the module "MAC300 BSc mathematics project". In 2022, one of my third year project students won the departmental project prize for the best undergraduate project in that year.
  • Supervised 10 third year undergraduate projects for students taking the module "MAC200 Mathematics report".

University of Cambridge

At the University of Cambridge, Michaelmas term runs October-December, Lent term runs January-March, and Easter term runs April-June.

Module Leader
  • Michaelmas 2017, Part III Commutative algebra, 65 fourth year undergraduates.

University of Waterloo

At the University of Waterloo, Fall term runs September-December and Winter term runs January-April.

Course Instructor
  • Winter 2016, MATH 146 linear algebra 1 (advanced level), 80 first year undergraduates.
  • Fall 2015, MATH 135 algebra, 60 first year undergraduates.
  • Fall 2014, MATH 135 algebra, 210 first year undergraduates.

University of Alberta

At the University of Alberta, Fall term runs September-December and Winter term runs January-April.

Course Instructor
  • Winter 2013, MATH 102 linear algebra for engineers, 120 first year undergraduates.
  • Fall 2012, MATH 102 linear algebra for engineers, 35 first year undergraduates.
  • Winter 2012, MATH 102 linear algebra for engineers, 100 first year undergraduates.
  • Fall 2011, MATH 125 linear algebra I, 70 first year undergraduates.

University of Oxford

At the University of Oxford, Michaelmas term runs October-December, Hilary term runs January-March, and Trinity term runs April-June.

Undergraduate Mathematics Tutor, St Peter's College
  • Trinity term 2011, Prelims geometry, 8 first year undergraduates.
  • Trinity term 2011, A0: linear algebra, 7 second year undergraduates.
  • Trinity term 2011, A2: metric spaces and complex analysis, 7 second year undergraduates.
  • Trinity term 2011, ASO: number theory, 6 second year undergraduates.
Undergraduate Mathematics Tutor, Brasenose College
  • Michaelmas term 2010, A0: linear algebra, 7 second year undergraduates.
Non-stipendiary Lecturer in Mathematics, Hertford College
  • Michaelmas term 2009, A0: linear algebra, 5 second year undergraduates.
Mathematics Teaching Assistant
  • Michaelmas term 2009, C3.1 algebraic topology, 7 fourth year undergraduates.
  • Hilary term 2009, B3.4 algebraic number theory, 10 third year undergraduates.
  • Michaelmas term 2008, B3.2 geometry of surfaces, 10 third year undergraduates.
  • Hilary term 2008, B3.4 algebraic number theory, 10 third year undergraduates.
Undergraduate Mathematics Tutor, Washington International Studies Council
  • Hilary term 2008, ASO: number theory, 1 second year undergraduate.

University of Warwick

Undergraduate Supervisor
In the 2006-07 academic year I supervised a group of 4 first year undergraduates taking the following courses:
  • MA106 Linear algebra.
  • MA113 Differential equations.
  • MA127 3D geometry and motion.
  • MA129 Foundations.
  • MA131 Analysis I & II.
  • MA135 Vectors and matrices.
  • ST111 Probability.

This page is maintained by Alan Thompson and was last updated on 13/12/24. Please email comments and corrections to verily(at)alanthompson.rocks.